Examination Rules


The entire Examination system should be taken seriously, as the school follows Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation, introduced be the Central Board of Secondary Education, with the objective of holistic learning through evaluation of both SCHOLASTIC AREAS. For the purpose of CCE, an Academic year has been divided into two terms.

First Term : April to September

Second Term : October to March

Evaluation of Scholastic Areas

Each term will have two Formative and one Summative Assessment.

Formative Assessment of different subjects will be in various forms like class tests, projects, practicals, assignments, conversation etc.

Summative Assessment will be the term end written examination.

A student shall be eligible to appear in Summative Assessment only if he has secured at least 80% of the total attendance.

The promotion of a student to next higher class shall be decided on the whole years record of a student in Scholastic and Co-Scholastic areas.

Evaluation of Co-Scholastic Areas

Evaluation of Co-Scholastic Areas will be done methodologically by the subject teachers and activity teachers on the basis of qualities, skills, ethics, participation of a student in various school programmes and Co-curricular activities, work experience etc.

Note: Parents must collect the Progress Card, either personally from the class teacher or from their wards and return it within three days of issuing, with their signature.



It is mandatory for the students to appear in Class Tests, Quarterly, Half Yearly, Annual/Pre Board Examinations.

Absence of the student from any of the above examination except medical cases would be strictly dealt with, 80% attendance is compulsory.

It is compulsory to score minimum 33% marks in each individual subject in theory as well as practicals separately. Only on the basis of 33% AGGREGATE MARKS i.e subjectivewise Grand Total of all tests and Examinations, a student will be promoted to higher class.

Compartment will be awarded only in one subject in class XI.

Note: Parents must remain in continuous contact of the school, in order to know about the progress of their wards. Parents must collect the Progress Card, from their wards and return it within three days of issuing, with their signature.


Mr. Lalit Kumar Gulwane

Shri Vaishnav Academy
177, South Rajmohalla,
Jawahar Marg
Indore - 452002 (M.P.)
Phone : 0731-2349115, 9770907727
Principal : 9770907726

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